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Gabcast! Gotoota Oromo Haa Yaadannu. #17 - Wallee.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oromo Dialogue Forum: A personal reflection

Oromo Dialogue Forum: A Personal Reflection

By Observer
Given the pitiful state in which the Oromo struggle for liberation finds itself today, I am always eager to listen to anyone who has any idea or suggestion on how we can surmount the complex challenges we are faced with. When I heard that “Waltajjii Marii Oromoo” or “Oromo Dialogue Forum” would be coming to a city near me on 9/22/2012, it was an easy decision for me to drive a few hours and hear what they had to say for two reasons. First, as a firm believer in dialogue among Oromo political actors and public, I wanted to contribute my two cents worth on the challenges we are facing and possible solutions and listen to other compatriots’ ideas and suggestions. Secondly, I was attracted to one of the topics of the forum which was “A new vision to renew the Oromo liberation struggle.” This particular topic brought many questions to my mind: What would this new vision be? Would it be a vision to bring about unity among Oromo political actors and organizations? And many more!

So, having attended the meeting, did I get a chance to contribute my two cents worth? Did I hear a new vision? What follows is my personal reflection.

  The “dialogue” forum

 I may have misunderstood what is meant by the word Dialogue in “Oromo Dialogue Forum”. To my knowledge, a dialogue is a two-way communication between persons who hold differing views on a subject(s), with the purpose of learning more about the subject from the other to try and come to a consensus. The notion is that neither side has a total grasp of the relevant issues, or a monopoly on the truth, pertaining to the subject under discussion. Through dialogue, a two-way communication, each side listens to the views of the other side in search of the truth.

However, the Washington DC ODF “dialogue” forum was hardly a forum for dialogue in the true sense of the word. If the purpose was to have a true dialogue to identify the deeply divisive political and other issues among Oromo political actors, to listen to competing views and to build a more constructive and collaborative relationship among them, then the OFD Washington DC forum has failed miserably.

 The format of the “dialogue” forum was no different - in form or in content - from gatherings usually organized and conducted by political organizations such as the OLF, ULFO and others. Not that there is anything wrong with the way OLF and ULFO run their meetings. Unlike a proper dialogue forum where the purpose is to increase mutual understanding and build a more constructive and collaborative relationship by encouraging the airing of differing views, such gatherings are “convert-making” lectures by the “truth-holders”. They do not lend themselves to entertaining various differing views and therefore cannot be called “dialogue” forums in the true sense of the word. On such meetings, all presenters would have the same views that they present to the audience, one after another, in an effort to garner support for their views from attendees. No retention is made to present the gathering as anything other than a partisan political proselytizing meeting. No differing views from, or contrary to, that of the organizers are presented from the podium or from the floor. If ever a contrarian view is expressed from the floor, it would be in a form of question which the organizers would attempt to answer in an effort to convert the person who posed the question. But, for organizations like the OLF and ULFO, this is by design and they don’t misrepresent their meetings as “dialogue” forums.

The ODF meeting I attended in Washington DC was no different from the ones conducted by the OLF and other Oromo political organizations except in two regards. The first is that they called their meeting a “dialogue” forum which it was not for reasons provided above. Secondly, they claimed that they have not formed an organization nor do they have any intention to form one. I find these two assertions very misleading which I will address a few paragraphs down.

 Unlike facilitators and/or participants in a dialogue forum, the ODF leaders appeared to me as being quite convinced that they have all the truth on the subject of the Oromo struggle and its challenges. The audience was there to receive the ODF “truth”. There was no solicitation of others’ views on the root causes of the challenges of the Oromo struggle or possible solutions which a true dialogue forum is expected to do. All presenters were the “truth-holders” on the subject and the way forward. This was not a dialogue at all, not a two-way communication, but a one-way lecturing which obviously is not meant by the term dialogue. I could not help but wonder if the leaders of ODF have a basic misunderstanding of the term dialogue or deliberately engaged in an opportunistic manipulation of the term and misleading the Oromo public.

 On whether the ODF is a political organization or not

According to the opening remarks by one of the presenters, the ODF traces its genesis back to “Bu’ureessitoota fi miseensota buleeyyii ABO”. This is a group consisting of a couple of founders and some longtime members of the OLF that was formed in Dec. 2008 purportedly to try and reconcile the various factions of the OLF. Many suspected the true intention of this group at the time. The fear was that they might be using the reconciliation effort as a pretext to form another political organization. This was feared because it is widely believed by Oromos that there are already too many political organizations (basically little fiefdoms) and breeding more would worsen an already bad situation. By limiting or reducing the number of Oromo political organizations, the Oromo hope to reduce their internal squabbles which have consumed their time and energy that should have been expended on fighting the enemy. They are also mindful of the fact that the mushrooming of organizations would be to the detriment of pulling Oromo scarce resources together to give the nation a fighting chance against their colonizer.

 When the formation of ODF was announced, Oromo’s worst fear was realized. Regardless of the leaders’ claim that ODF is not another Oromo political organization but a dialogue forum, there is no mistaking that it is one. If the Washington DC “dialogue” was any indication and with its manifesto of democratizing Ethiopia, it is, in fact, one itching to join the fray of Oromo little fiefdoms a.k.a political organizations. This was particularly evident from the speech made by the last speaker via a video conference in which he bitterly complained about being dismissed from the OLF and that they will not take it lying down any more.

It is obvious to all intelligent attendees of their meetings that they are already a political organization to which they have the right. In the Washington DC meeting, they presented their political manifesto; they even distributed survey questionnaires that asked attendees whether they agree with their views or not and whether they would like to become members or just supporters. However, when asked if they already are, or in the process of forming, an organization, they denied that they are or plan to. There was no need to insult their audience’s intelligence. What happened to telling the truth and earn the trust of those they are targeting for recruitment? As it is, trust is in short supply in the Oromo struggle. Why make it worse, if they are really trying to make a difference?

ODF’s “New Vision”

 The ODF manifesto presented at the meeting consisted of seven points. The points range from struggling for citizenship rights in the Ethiopian empire to accepting federalism and re-interpreting the Oromo right to self-determination. The current Ethiopian federalism, according to ODF, is one without democracy. In order to realize true federalism, the ODF will struggle for democratic changes in Ethiopia. The way to do that, says ODF, is by re-interpreting the Oromo question of self-determination as a question for citizenship rights thereby closely mirroring the questions of other nations and nationalities in the empire, including that of the Habasha. By so interpreting the Oromo question, ODF hopes to gain sympathy and support for the Oromo struggle from Habasha and other groups. In other words, for ODF, there is no difference between the demand or question of the Oromo nation and, say, that of the Habasha groups.

 But this is exactly what Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM) and Oromo People’s Congress (OPC) (now merged into Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) have been advocating for many years to no avail. Even, OPC, a proponent of “one-man-one-vote” for close to two decades has gained no sympathy or support from these groups that ODF wants to solicit support from. Having failed to learn from history and current affairs, the General Kemal Gelchu Group – former comrades of the ODF - has been promoting the same ideal since January 2012.

 So what is ODF’s new vision? Nothing new, I should say – for someone who has been following OFDM, OPC and the Kemal Gelchu group and leaders of the ODF. If there is no new vision, then what is the purpose of forming another organization to advance the same ideal? Why not join, or merge with, the Kemal Gelchu group or the OFC?

 Seeking a second chance at leadership

The organizers and presenters of the ODF in Washington DC were all former leaders of the OLF. In fact, some of them are founders. Each of them held positions of leadership including chairmanship, deputy chairmanship, membership in the central committee and spokesmanship of the organization and heading the foreign affairs department at different times and for extended periods of time. In effect, these are former leaders campaigning for a second chance to lead an Oromo liberation organization. Whether that organization is one to be formed soon or another faction of the OLF to be announced only time will tell.

This group of former leaders agrees on two things: (a) that the OLF has failed to rally the Oromo people to achieve its objective; (b) that they don’t share any blame in OLF’s failure. While their first assertion has some truth – that the OLF has failed in its mission – I find it a turnoff that former leaders of their stature blame their organization’s failure on circumstances (the usual old excuses) and their former comrades in arms while exonerating themselves. They have made themselves self-appointed judges, jury and the prosecutors in the OLF failure saga.

 It is very well known that failure defines ones character as a leader. When leaders refuse to take responsibility for their organization’s failure under their watch, it shows their lack of character. As Norman Schwarzkopf once said “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy." Not without character! Leaders deserve a second chance when they admit failure and have learned during the process of failing. Leaders who hold someone else accountable for their failures and blame the circumstances to deflect criticism for a failed outcome deserve no more chance at leading.

 Sitting through over two hours of speeches by leaders of the ODF, I heard not a single admission of mistake on their part much less their role in getting the Oromo struggle to this pitiful point that it finds itself in today.

 If they would like to be taken seriously, then they would admit their personal failures, stop scapegoating and blaming others and circumstances, take responsibility as longtime leaders and learn from their mistakes and failures before asking the Oromo public for a second chance.

 Failure can be turned into an opportunity to learn and grow. I say it can because it requires a particular mindset to benefit from your failure. Without that mindset, all your failures will go to waste. This is true in politics as it is in personal life for a leader as well as a follower. So what is that mindset?

 It is a mindset that is willing and able to reflect on past experience – past actions and their outcomes. It is only through such reflections that one learns one’s strengths, weaknesses and the environment and conditions in which actions were undertaken and what could have been done differently that could have resulted in a positive outcome. It is not enough to admit collective failure. One needs to evaluate one’s role in the failure. This is even more so if one is a leader under whose watch an organization – business or political – failed. Denying (to one self and others) failures and personal accountability and scapegoating or blaming on “globalization, end of cold war, etc.” will not do. Leaders without such a mindset cannot learn from past failures and therefore deserve no second chance.

 In summary

 Dialogue among Oromo political actors and organizations is long overdue. The purpose and objective of such a dialogue should not be partisan political proselytizing which the ODF Washington DC “dialogue” forum was, but one that is open to entertaining competing views.
ODF has all the makings of an active political organization vying for Oromo attention. With its manifesto of democratization of Ethiopia, it shall be sharing Oromo political space with OFC, the Kemal Gelchu group and other forces. Don’t insult your audience’s intelligence. Don’t present it as a “dialogue” forum which it is not. Come out and introduce your organization for what it is—a budding political organization.

  Your (ODF) manifesto contains no new vision. Recognize others who presented that vision before you; join and strengthen them. Don’t create another fiefdom. The Oromo struggle for liberation will not benefit from another group of a few individuals claiming to speak on its behalf. Unity is strength.

As former leaders of the OLF, admit personal failure for the organization disintegrated under your watch. Tell us what you have learned from your failures and what you would do differently before asking the Oromo people to follow you again.

Nagaa Oromummaa wajjin,


Monday, February 20, 2012

Iyyaa Iyya Dabarsaa

Duula Oromummaa fi Gaaffii Oromoo Irratti Baname of Irraa Qolachuun Dirqama Eenyummaa fi Uumamaati!

Duulli Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) irratti bifa dhokataa fi mul’ataan qindaawee gaggeeffamaa ture, ammas itti jira. Yaaliin diinaa otoo addaan hin citiin tokkoffaa karaa mootummaa Gooleesituu Wayyaanee yeroo ta’u, lammaffaan ammoo ilmaan nafxanyootaa fi namoota isaaniif ulee ta’uuf dhaaba bixxilaa oolan dha. Qaamoti kun ummata Oromoo akka uummataatti akka jabaatee mul’atu hin fedhan. Karaa isaanii danda'ame hundaan Oromoo bittaa isaanii jala akka turu tolchuuf tattaafatu.

Tarkaanfii isaanii keessaa inni duraa dhaaba ummata Oromoo dammaqsu, ijaaree qabsootti bobbaasuu dhabamsisuu irratti bobba'uu dha. Wayyaanees ta'ee dhaabota maqaa Itophiyaa of dura qabatanii ijaaraman hundi ABO irratti duula bifa tokkicha geggeessaa turan har'a illee itti jiru. Akeeki isaanii inni guddaan ABO fi hundee Oromummaa akkasumas gaaffii oromoo irratti bobahuudha. Shirri jarri Oromoo irratti bara dheeraaf xaxaa turan osoo bakka hin gahin turulle yeroo ammaa kana garuu sababa namoota tokko tokko bolola aangoo, fi fedhii matayyaan boji’aman ofitti qabatani kaayyoo Oromummaa fi ABO irratti ololli addaan hin citne banamee jira. Ololli isaanii kunis basaasota diinaaf qaawwaa banee jira.

Wayyaaneen ummata Oromoo fi ABO adda baasuuf sadarkaa duraatti dhaaba maxxannee OPDO jedhamu ijaartu illee ummata Oromoo biratti fudhatama waan dhabeef yeroo tokko ammoo ’salaamaawii Oneg’ kan jedhu ijaaruuf yaalaa akka turte beekamaa dha. ABO garuu ummata Oromoo biratti fudhatama guddaa waan qabuuf, ummatni Oromoos dhaaba kana malee gara biraa kan abdutu waan hin qabneef akeeki diinaa bakka hin gahin hafee jira.

Ammas namooti qubaan lakkaawaman maqaa ABOn dubachuu heeraa fi seera itti hin qabneen of mogaasani murna G-7 jedhamu waliin dibbee reebuuf bakka bakkatti walgahii qopheessanii turjumaana nafxanyaa ta’uuf of qopheessaa jiraachuu isaani Oromoon marti hubachuu qaba. Dhaabni G-7 jedhee of waamu akeeki isaa Oromoo walitti buusuun ilmaan Oromoo meeshaa tahanii kooraa aangootti akka deebisu kaadhimmachuu ta’uun hubatamaa dha. Akeeka isaanii kana galmaan ga’uuf G-7 namoota hagoo ofitti qabuun ABO sagantaa siyaasaa isaa jijjiirsisne jedhanii bakka bakkatti walgahii waamanii sirbuu fi olola oofuuf sagantaa baafatanii qophiitti jiru.

OPDOn Wayyaanee keessa turte, har’a OPDO G-7 taatee tajaajila haarawaaf of qopheessuun, Oromoo guddoo dinqu hin qabu. Jarri kun gaaffii Oromoo kan mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu haaluun, dhimma Oromoo ofumaa murteessanii gaaffiin Oromoo impayera Itiyophiyaa keessatti furama jedhani garee mirga hiree murteeffannaa Oromoo dura dhaabbatan waliin shubbisuun hiikkaa ergamummaa isaani garsiisu yoo ta’e malee kan adda biraa hin qabu. Garagarummaan jaarmayoonni Oromoo adda addaa kan hanga ammaa qaban kan toftaa dha malee kan tarsiimoo hin turre. Warri ammaa kun ammoo OPDO birallee achi taranii gaaffii mirga Saba Oromoo haaluu fi sarbuun Oromoof murteessuf yaalu. Dhaabni G-7 jedhamu Oromoo akka sabaatti jiraachuu isaatu kan mormu akka tahe beekkamaa dha.

Yaa ilmaan Oromoo! Akeeki qabsoo keeti hiree kee ofiin murteeffachu fi abbaa biyyummaa kee mirkaneessu dha. Qabsoon kee ummata kami iyyuu miidhuuf kan akeekkate osoo hin taane sirna diina kan garee bicuu Impayera Itiyophiyaa, kan barabaraan itti wal jijjiiraa as gahan fi lafa kee sirratti hawwan bakkaa kaasuu dha. Kana bakkaan gahuufis saboota Impayera kana keessa jiraatan warra mirga hiree murteeffannaa sabootaa dura hin dhaabbatne wajjin wal taanee hojjechuun akeeka keenya keessa isa tokko. Ololli sobaa har’a oofamaa fi shirri xaxamaa jiru akka naannoo wal irraa adda ta'u illee akeeki isaa waan tokko duwwaa dha. Kunis, ABO dadhabsiisuuf yaaluu fi akka hin sochoone tolchuu dha.

Egaa yaa ummata Oromoo kallacha qabsoo kee kan ati ilmaan kee itti wareegdee, qabeenyaa kee itti dhangalaaftee, dafqaa, dhiigaa fi himimmaan facaasaa har'aan geesse shira namoota aangoof bololanii fi shira diinaatin sharafamaa jira. Gochaan jara kanaa dura hin dhaabbatamuu taanaan mirga oromoon dhiigaa fi lafee ilmaan isiitiin argamsiifte illeen shakkii jala gala jira. Oromoon haga amma sochii ABOtiin kabajamee jiraachuu jalqabe dhabamee Oromoon cunqursaa daran hadhaawaaf saaxilamuuf deema. Ilmaan nafxanyootaa wal ijaaraa, warri wal dhabee ture illee araara buusanii aangootti deebi'uuf wal qopheessaa jiru.

Oromoon biyya alaa kaayyoo ABO tiksuuf tokkummaan socho’uun kan ilamaan Oromoo hedduu boonse dha. Tokkummaan Oromoo har'a ala kanatti mul’atus kan abdii namaaf kennu dha. Ammas ilmaan Oromoo bakka jiranitti sochii G-7 fi ergamtooti isaanii bakka bakkatti afaanfajjii uumuuf tattaafatan waliin fashalsuuf toftaa itti baasee socho’uun yeroo isaati. Waan taheef, osoo yeroon hin dabarre ilmaan Oromoo bakka jiranitti duula, ABO fi QBO irratti baname kana gamtaan bira dhaabbachu qabna. Duula hundee dhabama Oromummaa fi gaaffii Oromoo irratti baname ta’uu hubachuun; of irraa qolachuun dirqama eenyummaa fi uumamaati!

Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meles Zenawi: Where the truth lies

By Janice Winter

February 11, 2012 (Daily Maverick)  - Daily Maverick’s The AU Summit: A rare ring of truth by Kevin Bloom lauds Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi as being unique in speaking “trenchant truth” at an AU gathering in the 49 years since its establishment (initially the OAU). Taking exception to this interpretation, JANICE WINTER exposes where the truth lies.

The speech in question was made at the inauguration of the new AU headquarters funded by China, where Meles Zenawi talked of an African renaissance underway, characterised by economic surges, social progress, improved governance, diminishing violence, the banishment of the one-party systems and the ability of Africans to make choices about their lives and societies.

The ‘evidence’ Bloom cites for the veracity of Zenawi’s promises of African growth and development: the cranes he sees scattering Addis Ababa’s skyline, impressive buildings alongside the city’s informal settlements, and touted plans for an impressive transit system. These anecdotal observations are unfortunately not trustworthy snapshots of the health of the economy of the capital city, or Ethiopia more broadly. The cliché about how looks can deceive is particularly germane in informationally closed authoritarian societies.

So, if not evidence of Ethiopia’s economic health, what else could such urban development indicate? Practically, that Zenawi’s regime has borrowed and printed a lot of money – and the evidence for this truth is Ethiopia’s runaway inflation rate that rose above 40% in 2011, with food inflation peaking above 50% and the ratio of debt to exports reaching above 130%. The regime recently imposed extensive price controls that caused severe shortages in various food items and left long queues of people waiting to buy cooking oil and sugar, redolent of the days of Mengistu Hailemariam’s dictatorship. The country is also beset by a series of currency devaluations, acute shortages in foreign currency reserve and a widening trade deficit. This is patently unsustainable, as leading economists have repeatedly warned. Ethiopia is a macroeconomic disaster, despite Zenawi’s unwarranted image as economist king. Yet despite the economy’s vulnerability, this runaway borrowing and spending has secured him political stability, at least in the short term, by providing a means with which to buy the loyalty of military leaders and co-opt members of the urban elite.

Zenawi spoke of Africa’s access to new centres of finance, which have indeed brought significant investment in infrastructure and development, and celebrated the continent’s declining dependence on the West. However, while such investment might bolster the incumbent regime in their ‘struggle for survival’, Global Financial Integrity explains that as a result of corruption by the ruling elite, “The people of Ethiopia are being bled dry. No matter how hard they try to fight their way out of absolute destitution and poverty, they will be swimming upstream against the current of illicit capital leakage.” A bit of conversation with locals and a few minutes spent googling would give any interested journalist numerous appalling anecdotes about the generals, members of the ruling party and party-affiliated, rent-seeking companies that own the lion’s share of Addis Ababa’s glittering buildings. While not all of the stories and studies can be assumed trustworthy, they surely provide substantial food for scepticism.

Zenawi has forecast a staggering 14.9% average economic growth rate between 2010 and 2015 and claims to have achieved “double digit” growth over the last seven years despite a global economic recession. There is credible scepticism of these figures by some international economists and substantial discrepancies in conclusions about the country’s performance and progress toward the MDGs. No independent institutions in Ethiopia exist to check the veracity of his government’s figures.

What confounds me is why the international community continues to accept Zenawi’s claims about the regime’s economic record, while taking for granted that he has lied repeatedly on human rights issues and consequently rejecting his official line on Ethiopia’s human rights record. That his statements on human rights, democracy, foreign threats, opposition groups, journalists and a host of other topics and issues are manifestly and consistently false should indicate that other information taken from the same source also has a high likelihood of being untrue.

But even if we choose to take his contentious economic figures at face value, does it suggest that his brutal authoritarian capitalism constitutes a model to be condoned, endorsed or even celebrated within Africa for its remarkable economic results? Do we really agree to overlook repressive prisons if they’re built along with impressive new road networks? Bloom understandably found it “kind of hard” to forget the AU memorial that has been erected to honour victims of human rights violations in Africa, considering that the AU’s current chair is a despotic dictator responsible for widespread human rights violations in Equatorial Guinea. Yet despite the monument being erected in Ethiopia’s capital, the article made no mention of the pattern of arrests, torture, rapes, forced removals and political manipulation of development aid that characterises Zenawi’s abysmal human rights record.

In fact, the one rare ring of truth in Zenawi’s speech was his opening line, which celebrated that the new AU headquarters “is built on the ruins of the oldest maximum security prison” known by Ethiopians as Alem Bekagn, which, loosely translated, means, “I have given up on this world, on this life”.

Intended as a metaphor for a world that had given up on Africa, those familiar with Ethiopian current affairs would note the analogy’s ironic aptness: the AU event took place in Addis Ababa at the same time that two Ethiopian journalists each received 14 years imprisonment, an exiled journalist received his second life sentence in absentia, while the world was talking about two Swedish investigative journalists condemned to serve 11-year prison sentences in Ethiopia, and as journalist and dissident Eskinder Nega faces the death penalty.

More than 114 journalists and opposition members have been imprisoned (some of whom may face the death penalty) in the past 11 months, in an environment that Amnesty International describes as “the most far-reaching crackdown on freedom of expression seen in many years in Ethiopia”. Even the UN – usually cautious of condemning its member states – has criticised this recent escalation of repression.

Where are these political prisoners being held? In Alem Bekagn’s replacement, the infamous Qaliti Prison, located just two miles from its predecessor and the new AU headquarters and thus effectively hidden from the view of most visitors. All that’s really changed is a strategic shift in its position, and not the experience within its walls. The same could be said of Meles Zenawi’s dictatorship, which, while less overt to outsiders than that of his predecessor, is largely the same in substance.

In short, his statement that “out of the decades of hopelessness and imprisonment, a new era of hope is dawning and that Africa is being unshackled and freed” is far from true in the context of Zenawi’s tyrannical leadership.

In fact, a striking parallel can be made between Zenawi’s Ethiopia and Mubarak’s Egypt. EPRDF, like Mubarak’s NDP, has a crushing dominance of the country’s political scene, using a mixture of co-option, manipulation, electoral fraud and repression. In 2010, the party declared that it won 99.6% of the country’s parliamentary seats, which was down from the even more ludicrous 99.9% sweep in local elections in 2008. Such Soviet-style electoral statistics would embarrass even some of the nastiest dictators in the world. Since 2007, the party has recruited 7-million members, nearly 10% of the population – a figure that trumps what the Communist Party of China accomplished in its entire existence. Some of these members are students and college graduates who have no opportunity to get government jobs (accounting for the overwhelming majority of urban employment) or to receive micro financing services without party membership. As in Mubarak’s Egypt, Ethiopia’s economy is controlled by very few people who have links with the army, the ruling party or Meles Zenawi’s family. Another similarity is the use of anti-terrorism laws and extensive torture to silence all forms of political dissent.

Indeed, in an article entitled What’s He Got to Hide? published in the New York Times (coincidentally, also last Sunday), Nicholas Kristof describes Zenawi’s “increasingly tyrannical” rule and condemns the dictator’s attempts to prevent public scrutiny of his “worsening pattern of brutality” by silencing those who seek to tell the truth.

Thus it is surprising to me that a publication whose open endorsement of liberal values such as freedom of expression, civil liberties and economic rights is as central to its identity, as is the case with the Daily Maverick, would run an article that celebrates a dictator’s dubious words as truth and that fails to include even a single caveat about his long record of lies. As you tell readers that “we expect you to call us out when we screw up”, this riposte is one reader’s attempt to do so.

It seems to me that Bloom has not done the research needed to do basic justice to this story. Kristof’s column could be a good place to start: he concludes that “the only proper response” by journalists “is a careful look at Meles’ worsening repression”. I agree.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Duula Siyaasaa Kaayyoo QBO irratti Banameen Balaa Boru Hordofuuf Maluuf Kan itti Gaafatamu Warruma Duula Kanatti Bobbahe

(Infoo Deeskii ABO irraa)

Dhaabni Ginboot 7 jedhamu diina afaaniin akka diinummaatti himatu Wayyaanee gamatti

dhiisee mooraa QBO diiguu irratti xiyyeeffatee jira. Dhaabni kun mooraa QBO keessaa

namoota qubaan lakkaawamoo kan yakka dalaganiif gaafatamoo tahan bobaa jala qabatee

akka meeshaatti dhimma bahuudhaan, guddina ABO ittiin xiqqeessuu fi kaayyoo ABO

ittiin karaa irraa maqsuuf firoota kaayyoo isaa daboo/guuza waammatee duulatti seenee

jira. Sana biras dabree, mirga abbaa biyyummaa ummata Oromoo bal’aa irra

ejjechuudhaan, maqaa fi kaartaa biyya Oromoo, Oromiyaaf jibba qabu saalfii tokko

malee ifatti ibsachaa jira.

Dhaabni maqaa tokkummaa Itoophiyaatiinin sosso’a jedhu kun miidiyaa harka isaa jiru

ESAT jedhamu irratti, miidiyaalee Afaan Amaaraa dubbatan biroo hunda daboo baafatee,

ABO fi hoggana ABO irratti xiyyeeffachuudhaan, duula ummatoota wal ficcisiisuuf

deemu bal’inaan oofuu filateera. Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo dhugaa fi heerawaa tahe

irraa jibbaa fi sodaa guddaa qabaachuu irraa, namoota qubaan lakkaawamoo kan dhaaba

ABOs tahee kaayyoo QBO walii galaa bakka bu’uu hin dandeenye bobaa jala qabatee

ibiddaan taphachaa jira. Duula diiggaa eegale kana irraa akka of qusatu yeroo adda addaa

hubachiifamu illee gurra ittiin dhagahu hin qabaanne.

Akka duula ololaa G7 geggeessaa jiruutti, Oromoon biyya bal’oo Oromiyaa jedhamtu

qabaachuu fi falmachuun yakka tahee dhihaachaa jira. Kaartaan Oromiyaa kan bal’ina

qubsuma lafa Oromoo agarsiisu humna kana biratti balaa Itoophiyaa diigu jedhamee akka

hamaatti balaaleffatamaa jira. Oromoon mirga hiree murteeffannaa isaa hojii irra oolfatee

fedhu kophaa jiraachuu, fedhus ummatoota ollaa isaa waliin tokkummaa siyaasaa

jaarrachuuf mirgi qabu humna G7 jedhamu kanaan akka yakkaatti fudhatamee bal’inaan

irratti duulamaa jira. Gabaabumatti, dhaabni kun duula diiggaa QBO ABOtiin

hogganamu irratti geggeessaa ture yeroo ammaa gara ummata Oromoo bal’aa

diinomsachuutti ol guddisee jira.

Humni kun mirgoota ummanni Oromoo qabsoo isaa hanga har’aantanaatiin kabajsiifate,

kan sirni Wayyaaneeyyuu hanga tokko amanee fudhachuuf dirqame haqee sirna abbootii

isaa duriitti deebisuuf akka ifaajaa jiru ifaan ifatti lallabataa jira. Yeroo itti ummanni

Oromoo mirgoota harka isaa gahan jabeeffachaa kanneen isa hafan guuttachuuf qabsoo

hadhooftuu geggeessuu itti fufee jiru kanatti, humni maqaa G7 jedhuun of jaare

injifannoo ummatni Oromoo hanga har’aatti argateyyuu of duubatti deebisuuf hawwii

qabu ifatti mul’isaa jira. Oromoon hiree isaa murteeffachuun ummatoota Itoophiyaaf

balaa guddaa dha jechuudhaan, ummatoota biyyattii hundumaa Oromoo irratti kakaasuuf

sagalee ol fuudhee lallabaa jira. Oromoon ummatoota Itoophiyaa hunda biratti akka saba

bulguutti akka laalamuu fi irratti duulamuuf waamichi godhamaa jira. Hogguu kun tahu

ummanni Oromoos mirga isaa mulqamuuf dhaadatamaa jiru kana dhabama irraa oolchuuf

jecha tarkaanfii fedhe fudhachuuf dirqamuun waan hin oolle. Wal diddaa kanaan balaa

bor dhalatuu maluuf ammoo kan itti gaafatamu, G7, mediyaa isaa ESAT, miidiyaalee

isaaf daboo bahanii olola farra Oromoo kana oofaa jiranii fi yakkamotoota mooraa QBO

keessaa isaanitti gananii akka meeshaatti tajaajilaa jiran tahuun ifaan ifatti beekamuu


Keessumattuu TViin ESAT jedhamu kan akka arraata G7tti tajaajilu, duula farra

Oromummaa oofaa jiruun qooda Radio Mille Collins(RTLM) wajjin wal fakkaatu akka

taphataa jiru yaadachiisuu feena. Raadiyoon Mille Collins jedhamu bara 1994 keessa

balaan Duguuginsa Sanyii Ruwaandaa (The Ruwandan Genocide) akka dhalatuuf sababa

guddaa tahuun isaa ni beekama. Ololoota hahhamoo miidiyaa kana irraan oofamaa turan

tu duguuginsa sanyii suukaneessaa san dhalche. ESATis akka amma Oromoo fi

Oromummaa irratti fuulleffatee tooftaa adda addaatiin duulaa jiru kanaatti, Itoophiyaa

keessatti rakkoon akka kan Ruwaandaa fakkaatu sun akka dhalatuuf bu’uura isaa buusaa

akka jiru ammumaan hubachiifna. Kanneen duulaan G7f daboo kana bahanii afarsaa jiran

illee gaafatama jalaa bahuu hin danda’ani.

Akkuma olitti tuqame, G7 ABO dadhabsiisee sabboonummaa Oromummaa

dhabamsiisuuf hawwii qabu dhugoomfachuuf jecha, miidiyaalee Afaan Amaaraa

dubbatan kan maqaaf walaba jedhaman mara daboo baafachuu irratti argama. Kanneen

sirna duraanii keessatti hiree barnootaa addatti laatameefitti dhimma bahuudhaan

miidiyaalee idil addunyaa kutaa Amaariffaa keessatti mindeeffamuuf carraa argatan

hundi, bakka jiran maratti dhaamsa walii dabarsanii akka itti Oromummaa doomsanii

Itoophiyummaa abbootii isaanii durii bakkatti deebisan irratti wal tumsanii hojjechaa

jiran. Duula farra Oromummaa, farra ABO fi farra mirga ummata Oromoo bal’aa tahe

kana hojii irra oolchuuf jecha, hiree miidiyaa harkaa qaban akka meeshaa guddaatti yoo

dhimma bahan mul’atu. Sagalee yakkamtoota bicuu kan QBO keessaa gananiidhaa gurra

guddisanii, sagalee ABO kan ummata Oromoo bal’aa biratti fudhatama qabuudhaa

ammoo dhoksuuf saalfii tokko malee hojjechaa jiran. Raadiyoolee, TV, marsaalee

interneetaa fi maloota wal qunnamtii leellistoota sirna duriin geggeeffaman hundumaa

irratti duula kana fakkaatu tu qindeeffamee deemaa jira.

Duulli hanga kana itti caphamee geggeeffamaa jiru garuu ummata Oromoo gowwoomsuu

hin dandeenye, hin danda’us. Murni yakkamaan hawwitoota sirna duraaniitiin

dhaadeffamaa jiru ummata Oromoo biyya keessaa fi alaa cufa biratti abaaramaa dha.

Marsaaleen interneetaa, manneen paltalk, raadiyooleen hawaasaa fi maloonni

walqunnamtii Oromoo walaba tahan kamuu murna dantaa Oromoo irra ejjetee Oromoo

irratti duula bane kana afaan tokkoon salphisaa jiran. Hanga ammaatti hawaasa Oromoo

keessaa akka namtokkeettis tahee akka gurmuutti tarkaanfii G7 kana kan deeggare tokko

illee hin galmeeffamne. Kanaafuu duulli diinummaa hogganummaa G7tiin Oromoo irratti

baname maayyiin isaa kufaatii, salphinaa fi gaabbii qofa. Akkuma dhaabni dhihoo kana

akeeke, duula geggeeffamaa jiru kanaan G7 fi tumsitoonni isaa ABO fi ummata Oromoo

moohachuu gonkumaa akka hin dandeenye irra deebinee hubachiifna. Humni sirna

duraanii deebisuu abjootu kun bu’aan duula kana irraa argatu yoo jiraate, akkuma olitti

eerame, balaa sababa duula kanaatiin dhalachuuf deemuuf suduudaan kan itti gaafatamu

tahuu qofa!

Infoo Deeskii ABO

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Oromo Youth Condemn a Radical Political Shift Declared by B/General Kemal Gelchu’s OLF Group.

We, the Oromo youth, want to express our disappointment and issue this press release in rejection of the so-called “New OLF Program” made public on January 1, 2012 by the OLF Change/Jijjiirama group led by B/General Kamal Gelchu.

According to the press release, the group had a two-day Oromo National Council Conference that resulted in the decoding of the OLF’s long established political program and affirmed their dedication to the struggle and to establishing a new Federal Republic of Ethiopia. The group called to reverse the Oromo political program that was deeply rooted in Oromo people’s political interest, which embraced the right to self-determination as an Oromo nation.

We, the Oromo youth, oppose and condemn such a political paradox within Oromo political affairs for the following reasons:

1. The minority clique within the the OLF-Jijjiirama group does not symbolize the view of

Oromo people and their political struggle.

2. The introduced program undermines a century long Oromo struggle for self-rule and selfdetermination, including ultimate sacrifices that have been paid by countless fallen heroes and heroines.

3. The program disregards the complex Oromo political evolution, changing the entire

course of the Oromo struggle overnight.

4. The new political vision is poorly constructed, paradox, and leaves the future in doubt.

5. The program devalues the mission and objectives of the Oromo Liberation Front, thus

compromising the interests of the Oromo people.

Therefore, it has become a historical responsibility for us to publicly send a strong signal of opposition to those who compromise the interests of Oromo people and disregard a history of political suffering. We call upon each and every Oromo, especially Oromo youth, to stand against a political vision that undermines the Oromo people’s rights to self-determination. Like any other youth in the world, the Oromo youth have their share in building a nation, being a voice for voiceless, defending their nation from internal and external enemies, promoting their culture and language, and fighting for the freedom of their people. Be part of history in defending Oromia, and may we never, ever, let down our martyrs.


 Hashim Adam, Former President of OSU and IOYA

Edao Dawano, Former President of OYA; Oromo Youth Activist

Merertu Geleta Kitila, Former Vice President, Secretary, and PR of IOYA

Negassa Ayana, Former President of OYA; Oromo Youth Activist

Nadhii Haji, Active Member of IOYA and OYA; Oromo Youth Activist

Abdurahman Hassen, Active Member of IOYA, OYA, and OYA Hawwisoo

Surraa Tolasa, Active Member of IOYA and OYA; Oromo Youth Activist

Gutama Habroo, Secretary of IOYA

Jireenyaa Yaadetaa, Oromo Youth Activist

Miesso Wako, Active Member of OYA and OYA Hawwisoo

Ibrahim Ansha, Oromo Youth Activist

Dawit Baisa, Former President of IOYA

Mayra Kusa, Oromo Youth Activist

Oda Abdisa, Oromo Youth Activist

The above organizers can be contacted at this e-mail: OromianYouthVoice@gmail.com

Sunday, January 01, 2012



Umanni Oromo eega biyya Oromiyaa humna waraana habashootan saamame, waggaa dhibba caalaa tahun beekamaa dha.Weerara habashoonni Oromiyaa irratti banan ifirraa ittisuu dhaaf wareegama gudda fi qaalii kan akka harka, miila, harma fi mormaa muruu kafaleeti jira. Akkasumatti kiyyo gabrummaa jalaa bahuu dhaaf hanga ammaatti wareegama qaalii kana kafalaa akka jiru seenaan diddaa gabrummaa sirritti ibsiti.
Habashootiin gargaarsa meeshaa baranee biyyoota alaa irraa arkataniin Oromiyatti dulanii eega cabsan booda, Oromoon gabrummaa jalatti kufe, biyya isaa irrattti alagoomee, gabrummaa hamtuu adunyaa irratti hiriyaa hin qabne mudate. Oromoon araddaa fi qe'ee isaa keeysatti akka bineensa bosonaatti aloolame ajjeefame, akka beeyladaatti dhimma itti bahame. Gabra fijaa hin qaabne ka hojjatee nafxanyaa Amaara gabbaru, kan osoo ilmaan isaa beelaa, daaraa fi doofummaan hubamanii, ilmaan nafxanyaa nyaachisuu fi barsiisuu dhaaf dirqamu tahe. Walumaa galatti roorroo fi miidhaa ilma namaa mudachuu hin qabne nafxanyoonni Oromo irraan akka gahan seenaan ni mirkanneysiti.

Haa tahuu malee, ummanni Oromoo hiree argamte hundaatti dhimma bahee, gabrummaa habashootaan isaan mudatte fonqolchee ifiraa kaasuu dhaaf, yaroon qabsoo irraa harka maratee taa'ee hin jirtu. Arralee, qabsoon Oromiyaa harka gabroomfataa habashaa jalaa walaboomsu dhaaf godhamtu itti fufaa jirti. Hanga Oromiyaan walaba taatuu, hanga ummanni Oromoo bilisa tahe hiree isaa dhiibaa takkaan maletti murteeyfatu qabsoon Oromiyaa walaboomsuu fi ummata Oromo bilisoomsuu dhaaf, kaayoo ABOn labsamte wareegama qaqqaalii kamillee yoo gaafattee hamma galiin fiixa baatuu qabsoon itti fufti jenne amanna.

Akkuma beekamutti, nuti miseensotiin ABO, bara 2008, keessa rakkoolee dhaaba keenya fuula dura deemuu dhoorkan irra aanuu dhaa fi furmaataas itti barbaadu dhaaf dhaaba keessatti jijjiirama hundee labsuun keenya ni yaadatama. Labsa jijjiirama kana irra kan ka'ee miseensota fi hoogganni dhaaba bakka lamatti qoodamuun, ABOn rakkoolee addaa keessa seenuun waan beekkamaa ti. Rakkoolee jaarmaya keessatti nu mudatan tanneen wal’aanuu dhaaf tattaafiin adda addaa godhamanillee haga ammaatti raakkoolee tanneen irra aanuun hin dandayamne. Kun tahuun qabsaawota, sabboontotaa fi ummata Oromoo bal'aa hamilee caphsuun waan dhokataa miti.

Dhugaan jirtu osoo tana taatee jirtuu, nu miseensota jijjiiramni hundee ABO keessatti arkamuu qaba jenee kaane, haallan ifirraa hin eeyne, haallan ni taha ja'amee hin yaadamin nu mudatee jira. Haallan kanneenis haallan gaddisisoo fi haallan murnoota maqaa ABO himatan kamillee irraa hin eegamne.

Hallan Kanneeniis:
Hoogganootiin hagoon ABO (Jijjiirama) geggeesan,

1 Kaayoo Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo tan (Kora Sabaa tiin bara 2004 tumamte) heeraa fi seera dhaabatiin alatti jijjiiruun,

2 Kaayoo Itoophiyaa dimokraateysuu akka kaayoo dhaabaatti fudhachuu dhaan qabsoo ummata Oromoo xurree irratti jaaramte irra fageeysuu dhaaf, afanfaajjii hammana hin je'amnne ummata Oromoo keeysati akka uumamu godhuun.

3 Sabboonummaa Oromoo kolaasanii, Habashaaf guggufanii, qabsoo bilisummaa Oromiyaa dura dhabachuu dhaaf murteefachuun,

4 Fedhii saba Oromoo irra fedhii Habashoota mirkaneeysuuf, Habashaaf irree tahuu filatani waan murteeyfatanif jecha,

Nuti, hooggantoonni fi miseensoonni dhaaba tarkaanfiilee asi gaditti tareeyfaman fudhanee jirra.

1. Hoogganoota dhaabaa kanneen kaayoo Itoophiyummaa filatan arra irraa jalqabee akka hoogganoota dhaabatti isaan hin beeynu.

2. Kaayoo Itoophiyummaa tan farra bilisummaa Oromiyaa ta namoota waa xiqqoon maqaa ABOtiin labsamte tana waan dandeenyu hundaan dura dhaabanna.

3. Nuti miseensoota fi hooggantoonni tarkaanfii tana fudhanne, dhaaba keenya akka kaayoo isaa irratti deebi'ee qabsaawu miseensota dhaaba waliin taanee qabsoo teenya ta Oromiyaa blisoomsuu,ta ummata Oromoo abbaa biyyaa taasisuu itti fufna.

4. Namoota Kaayoo dhaaba jijjiiranii kaayoo Itoophiyummaa (kaayoo Habashootaa) Oromoo irratti deebisanii mootomsuu filatan miseensotiin dhaaba, sabboontotiin Oromoo fi ummanni Oromoo bal'aan akka dura dhaabatan yaamicha goonaaf.


Dhaabni keenya dhaabolee Oromoo walaba tahani fi moraa qabso bilisummaa oromiyaa keeysa jiran wajjiin qabsaawuu dhaaf qophii dha. Tanaas hujiin mirkaneeysuu dhaaf Koonfirensi Araaraa fi Dadaa Tokkummaa hatattamatti akka godhamu dhaaboolee bilisa tahani fi qabsaawoota hundaafuu yaamicha keenya ulfinaan dabarsina.

Nuti miseensoonni maqaan keenya armaa gaditti tareeyfame murtiin tun teenya akka taate mirkaneeysina.

1. Ibrahim Muumme, Miseensa gumii sabaa fi miseensa KHR, Dubbataa Dhaabaa.

2. Damsho Ali, Miseensa gumii sabaa, itti gafatamaa Birkii Siyassa.

3. Abdi Ibrahim (Rushi), Miseensa Gumii Sabaa, Itti gaafatamaa Birki Jaarmaya Biyya Alaa.

4. Samiya Usman, Miseensa Gumii Sabaa itti gaafatamtuu Dhimma Dubartootaa.
5. Ahmed Ibroshee, Miseensa Birkii Siyaasaa

6. Abbaa Abdii miseensa Koree Jaarmayaa

7. Diriba Hordofa, Miseensa GS,

8. Ahmed Yassin, Miseensa Koree Aadaafi Beeysisaa (waraabi)

Injifannoo ummata oromootif
Oromiyaan ni Bilisoomti

Amajjii (January) 1, 2012

Map of oromia

Map of oromia