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Gabcast! Gotoota Oromo Haa Yaadannu. #17 - Wallee.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

‘Itoophiyaa Keessa Hongee Malee Beelli Hin jiru’ Jechuun

 ‘Itoophiyaa Keessa Hongee Malee Beelli Hin jiru’ Jechuun
Lubbuu Ummatootaatti Qoosuu Dha

Sirni Wayyaanee beela hamaa ummatoota miiliyoonota gaaga’e haaluudhaan ‘hongee malee beelli hin jiru’ jechuun kijiba. Balaa beelaa sababaa hongeetiin dhalachuuf ture irratti dursinee qophii gahaa waan gooneef lammiin tokko illee beelaan hin miidhamne jechuun lubbuu ummata miiliyoonotaatti qoose. Fiilmii dokmantarii kan haqa irraa fagoo tahe qindeessee miidiyaalee isaa irratti dhiheessuun sirna gaafatamni itti hin dhagahamne tahuu isaa dabalee mirkaneeffate. Balaa hongee fi beelaa dhalate kanaan akka malee kan miidhaman lammiilee Oromoo Kibba Oromiyaa tahuun beekamaa dha. Fiilmiin Wayyaaneen eega lafti itti guyya’ee booda miidiyaatti baafatee garsiifatus miidhaa guddaa jiraattota Oromoo naannoo kanaa mudate haguuguuf yoo tahe malee miidhama ummataa amananii fudhachuun fala barbaachisu faluuf kan qophaawe miti.

Ololli ‘Itoophiyaa keessa hongee malee beelli hin jiru’ jedhu yeroo kanatti akka dhihaatu maaliif barbaachise? Deebiin gaaffii kanaa ifaa dha. Balaa beelaa hongeen wal qabatee Kibba Oromiyaa, Kibba Baha Oromiyaa, Baha Oromiyaa, naannoo Ogaadeenii fi naannoo Ummatoota Kibba Itoophiyaa miidhe irratti amma dura baay’ee dubbatameera. Gabaasaaleen dhugaa kana ragaa bahan miidiyaalee idil addunyaa tokko tokkoo fi miidiyaalee arraata dhaabota siyaasaa kan akka Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) irratti dhihaatanii turan. Miidiyaaleen kunis haala sirna Wayyaanee garmalee rifaasisee fi aarseen dhugaa jiru gurra addunyaan gahanii jiru. Maddeen oduu idil addunyaa bebbeekamoo keessaa tokko kan tahe BBCiin sagantaa isaa Newsnight jedhamuun dokmantarii dhugaa irratti hundaawee dhiheesseen Wayyaanee mataa wareersuun beekamaa dha. Akka gabaasaa BBC kanaatti beelli Itoophiyaa keessatti dhalate irra guddaatti namtolchee dha malee kan uumamaa qofa miti. Warra beela’eef gargaarsi biyya alaa irraa dhihaatus gara dabarfamee dantaa siyaasaa mootummaaf oolfamuu miidiyaan kun ragaa bahuun beekamaa dha. Ummata beela’e keessaa warri paartii aangoo irra jiru hin deeggarre gargaarsa dhowwatamanii adabamuu tu saaxilame. Arjoomtonni addunyaa waggaa waggaatti doolaara biiliyoona 3 ol Itoophiyaaf kan gumaachan tahu illee, horiin guddaan hangana gahu kaayyoo gumaachameef osoo hin taane akka sirnichi deeggarsa siyaasaa ittiin bitatee aangoo irra of tursuuf tajaajilaa jiraachuu tu ifatti ragaa bahame.

BBC qofas osoo hin taane miidiyaaleen akka VOAs, balaan beelaa keessumattuu Kibba Oromiyaatti dhalate, hangam akka ulfaataa tahe, balaa kanaanis lubbuun namootaa fi beeyladaa akka gaaga’ame saaxilanii jiru. Hagabaasaan VOA Sagantaa Amaariffaa Heenook Sammaagzeer torbaanota lama caalaaf naannoo Kibba Oromiyaa keessa sosso’ee gabaasaan dhiheessaa ture balaa ulfaataa sirnichi dhoksuu barbaadu BBCtti aanee kan saaxile ture. Akka gabaasaa kanaatti Kibba Oromiyaa keessatti hongee dhalateen lammiilee fi beeyladdan isaanii akka malee hubamuu tu saaxilame. Mootummaan Wayyaanee garuu hongee tu dhalate malee beelli hin jiru jedha waan taheef gabaasaan kun isa wareersuun hin hafne. Akka gabaasaa VOA kanatti omisha isaaniitiin kan beekaman loon Booranaa keessaa harka 70 ol kan tahan balaa hongee hamaa kanaan du’uu isaanii tu mirkanaawe. Kibba Oromiyaa, Boorana keessatti ilmaan namaa beelaan hubaman waan afaanitti qabatan dhabanii baala boqqolloo hongeedhaan goggoge beeyalada wajjin wal saamaa yoo nyaatan VOAn ragaa viidiyoodhaan deeggarameen saaxile. Sirni Wayyaanee garuu balaa beelaa suukaneessaa hangana ulfaatu dhoksuu barbaada ture.

Itoophiyaan loon horsiisuuudhaan addunyaa irratti 10ffaa, Afriikaa keessatti ammo 1ffaa jedhamuun beekamti ture. Baay’ina loonii kan sadarkaa guddaa kana irratti Itoophiyaa waamsise keessatti ammoo lakkoofsi loon Booranaa qooda guddaa qaba ture. Loon Booranaa kana keessaa har’a harki 70 caalaan balaa kanaan dhumaniiru. Kun silaa Itoophiyaa keessatti gadda ulfaataa uumuu fi xiyyeeffannoo miidiyaalee biyya keessaa harkisuu tu irra ture. Haa tahu malee akkuma hagabaasaan VOA naannoo sana deemee gabaasaa kana qopheesse ragaa bahe, ‘wayta balaan gaddisiisaan kana fakkaatu Kibba Oromiyaa rukutee jirutti miidiyaaleen mootummaa dubbii kana yoo xis ximbis jedhan hin dhagahamne. Balaa gaddisiisaa hangana gahu dhiisanii waa’ee misoomaa fi hidha laga Abbayyaa irratti xiyyeeffachuu waan filatan fakkaata. Yeroo itti Kibba Oromiyaa keessatti lammiileen beela’anii lafee qofatti hafan waan afaanitti jiifatan dhabanii qarree du’aa irratti argaman, Finfinnee irraa ayyaana bara haaraa kabajuuf dhiichifama ture.

Dhugaa dha! Yeroo itti lammiileen kumni kudhanoonni garmalee beelaan hubamanii qarree du’aa irratti argaman, loon kumni kudhanoonni dhumanii raaqni isaanii goggoee dirree keessa ciisu, dabballootni mootummaa Wayyaanee Finfinnee irraa ayyaana jedhanii cooma murachuu fi wiskii unachuu irraa kan hafe yaaddoon lammiilee Oromoo kun dhimma isaanii akka hin tahin hubatamaa dha.

Sirni Wayyaanee dhugaa dhoksuu yaalaa ture kana tu jalaa saaxilame waan taheef har’a reef akka waan irriba irraa dammaqee dhimma hongee Kibba Oromiyaa rukute irratti waa munaaguuf dirqame. ‘Itoophiyaa keessa hongee malee beelli hin jiru’ jechuun soba adii yoo sobu hin qaanfanne. Kijibni Wayyaanee kun gabaasaalee ragaa irratti hundaawanii miidiyaalee alaatiin dhihaatan haaluuf kan akeekkate tahu illee itti hin milkoofne.

Fiilmii sobaa Wayyaaneen dhimma kana irratti qindeessee dhiheeffate wantoota fudhatama dhabsiisan keessaa hanga tokko tarrisuun ni danda’ama. Fiilmii kana keessatti namootni beelaan miidhaman tahe jedhamee akka kaameeraa duratti hin mul’anne taasifameera. Naannoo hongeen dhawamu kamuu keessatti namootni beelaan miidhaman qaamni isaanii maal akka fakkaatu beekamaa dha. Fiilmii Wayyaaneen dhiheeffatu  keessatti garuu, tahe jedhamee namoota coraa cululuqaa qaban kan qubaan lakkaawaman  tu barbaadamanii dubbifaman. Jaras yoo tahe haasawa isaan Afaan Oromotiin haasawan jallisanii Amaariffatti hiikuudhaan akka waan isaan mootummaa galateeffataniitti dhiheeffame. Naannoo hongee fi beela hamaadhaan miidhame dhiisanii gabaa midhaanii magaalaa keessaa, akkasumas kuusaa midhaan gargaarsaa irratti xiyyeeffachuu tu fiilmii kana keessatti bal’inaan mul’ata.

Kana malees kaameeraan fiilmii sobaa kanaa loon coraa wayyaa qaban qofa barbaadee irratti xiyyeeffate. Loon kumni kudhanoonni dhumanii lafeen isaanii dirree keessa guute akka fiilmii kana keessatti mul’atan hin barbaadamne. Fiilmiin dokmantarii Wayyaanee kun osoo dhuguma laalaa balaa mudate kanaa agarsiisuuf akeekkatee dhugaa bal’inaan mul’atu kana bira dabree loon coraa wayyaa qaban qofa barbaadee mul’isuu irratti hin xiyyeeffatu ture. Garuu fiilmicha tu fiilmii Wayyaanee ti. Fiilmicha tu fiilmii dhugaa haaluuf qophaawe. Fiilmicha tu fiilmii ololaa sirna gaafatamni itti hin dhagahamnee fi madaan ummatootaa isa hin dhukkubnee ti. Kanaafuu fiilmii Wayyaanee keessatti dhugaa barbaadanii arguu dhabuun waan nama raaju hin tahu.

Wanni hubatamuu qabu garuu, Itoophiyaan Wayyaanee Itoophiyaa miidiyaalee walaba addunyaatiin ibsamaa jirtu malee Itoophiyaa miidiyaalee sirnichaatiin dhaadeffamaa jirtu miti. Ummatoonni biyyattii keessaas namoota miidiyaaleen wayyaanee kumoota keessaa tokko lama filatanii kaameeraa fi maaykraafoona dura qabaniin kan bakka bu’aman miti. Haalli ummatoonni biyyattii keessa jiranis dabballoota paartichaa kan akka lammii leexaatti of ibsanii miidiyaa sirnichaa duratti dhihaatanii kijiba munaaganiin hin ibsamu. Har’a lammiilee wayyaba imaammata farra-namoomaa sirnichaatiin toora namummaatii bahanii jiran miidiyaatti dhiheessanii agarsiisuu fi laalaa keessa isaanii dubbachiisuun hojii ulfaataa dha. Miidiyaaleen biyya alaa walabni biyya keessa deemanii hojii ragaan deeggarame akkasii akka agarsiisan sirnichi hin eehamu. Inumaa kanneen yaalii hojii akkasii irratti argaman himata ‘gooltummaa’ jedhamuun yakkamanii hidhamaa jiru. Gaazexessitoota lammii Siwiidin lama kan dhihoo kana Ogaadeen keessaa qabamanii hidhaman akka fakkeenyaatti kaasuun ni danda’ama. Kana malees miseensonni hogganaa paartiilee Oromoo biyya keessaa gaazexessaa BBC fi qorattoota Amnestii Internaashinaaliif yaada kennitan jedhamanii hidhamuun dubbii kanaaf ragaa dabalataa taha. 

Beelas tahee hongeen Itoophiyaa har’a addunyaan irraa dubbataa jirtu balaa uumamaa qofa akka hin tahin jala muranii ifsuu barbaachisa. Balaan kun balaa namtolchee ti yoo jedhame dhugaa irraa fagaachuu hin tahu. Jecha kanaaf fakkeenya gabaabaa tokko lafa kaayuun ni danda’ama. Sirnoota lamaan dabran keessa beelli deddeebi’ee Itoophiyaa keessatti mul’achaa ture naannoolee har’a balaan hongee fi beelaa irraa dubbatamaa jiru irraa fagoo ture. Akka fakkeenyaatti kaa’uuf, sirnoota dabran lamaan keessatti bakkoota balaa hongee fi beela hamaan dhawaman keessaa Tigraay toora duraa irra turte. Har’a garuu sun seenaa ta’ee dabree jira. Tigraay keessatti har’a waa’een hongee fi beelaa akka seenaatti dubbatama. Sababni isaas, Tigraay har’a mootummaa misoomaa fi badhaadhina isiif dhaabbate qabdi. Kana jechuun Tigiraay maaliif har’a beelaa fi hongee irraa baraaramte jedhanii qurramuuf akka hin tahin jala muruu feesisa. Ummatni Tigiraay kan sirnoota dabran keessatti beelaa fi hongee hamaadhaan dhawame har’a balaa kana jalaa dandamachuun oduu gammachiisaa dha. Dhalli namaa kamuu biyya lafaa irratti balaa suukaneessaa kana akka mudatu kan arguu hawwu hin jiru.

Haa ta’u malee hojii lubbuu oolchuu irra darbee misooma dinqisiisaa jedhame kana naannoo tokkoof qofa qoodanii kaan immo tahe jedhanii beelessuu fi beelas meesha sanyi-ballessaaf itti fayyadamamuu dha kan nama wal gaafachiisu. Mootummaan har’a aangoo siyaasaa Itoophiyaa dhunfatee jiru lafa dhaloota isaa kan taate Tigiraayiif mararfannoo addaa qabaachuun isaa nama hin ajaa’ibu. Wanni nama ajaa’ibuu fi gaddisiisu yoo jiraate, sirni kun naannoolee dur jiidhinaa fi xaahummaa isaaniitiin beekaman har’a lafa beelaa fi hongee hamaatti jijjiiruu isaa ti. Akka fakkeenyaatti godinaan Arsii baroota dabran mara hunda keessatti akka tayee daabboo (bread basket)tti laalamti ture. Dachii Arsii jiituu fi gabbattuu irraa midhaan qotamu ummatoota Itoophiyaa mara sooree akka irraa hafuu danda’u bal’inaan irraa dubbatamaa ture. Har’a garuu dachii badhaatuu tana fakkaattu fa’a tu beela’e.

Lafootni har’a balaa beelaa fi hongee hamaan dhawamuun isaanii qorannoo walabaan mirkanaawe Arsii qofas miti. Onootni Harargee Dhihaa fi Harargee bahaa baay’eenis balaa kanaan dhawamoo dha. Akka fakkeenyaatti Onni Fadiis dur fakkeenya dachii quufaa ture. Akka makmaaksaatti illee ‘Rabbi duubaan Fadiisi’ jedhama ture. Har’a bara Wayyaanee kanatti garuu ummata Oromoo lafa badhaatuu akkasii fa’a irra ture tu hongee fi beelaan dhawamee gargaarsa harka alagaa kadhachuutti jira. Sababni isaas Oromiyaa tu akka Tigraayitti mootummaa isiif quuqamu hin qabdu. Balaan hongee fi beelaa Oromiyaa keessatti miliyoonota gaaga’aa jiru balaa namtolchee ti malee kan uumamaa miti. Yoo kan uumamaa tahe balaa hamaa kan dur irraa qabee gama Kaabaa ture sanis irra aanuun hin danda’mu ture. Bakki dur hongeedhaan beekamu har’a badhaadhee bakki dur badhaadha ture har’a hongaawuun seera uumamaa osoo hin taane gochaa hammeenya ilma namaa ti. Mootummaan har’a Itoophiyaa bulchaan jira ofiin jedhu mootummaa naannoolee biyyattii hundumaa ija tokkoon hin laalle tahuu isaaf fakkeenyonni kaabaa kibbatti wal bira qabnee eerre kun ragaalee quufsoo dha.

    Imaamanni sirna Wayyaanee imaammata farrummaa fi tuffii ummatootaa akka tahe ragaa tarrisanii fixuun ulfaataa dha. Mootummaa ‘Itoophiyaa keessa hongee malee beelli hin hin jiru’ jedhu caalaa sirni ummatoota bulchaan jira ofiin jedhuuf tuffii hamaa qabu addunyaa irra kan jiru hin fakkaatu. Tuffiin kun ammoo jibba irraa madda. Jibbi kunis diinummaa sirnichaa qullaa baasee mul’isa. Diinni diinuma. Har’a humna harkaa qabutti gargaaramee gateettii ummatootaa irra qubatee dhiiga isaanii dhugaa jiraachuun hin haalamu. Guyyaa tokko garuu gateettii ummatoota walabaa irraa akka buniitootti buqqifamee darbamuun isaa waan hin oolle.

Kun immoo gurmuu, kutannoo fi warraaqsa ummata Oromoo fi ummatoota madaa wal fakkaataa qabaniin mirkanaawa.

Haqni ni injifata!

 Info Deskii ABO

TheFrustrating Situation of Refugees in Somaliland

HRLHA Appeal and Urgent Action

 November 12, 2011

The Frustrating Situation of Refugees in Somaliland

Your Excellency Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud,      

President of the Republic of Somaliland.

Dear Honorable President,

First of all, Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) would like to express its appreciation to the people of the Republic of Somaliland and to its government for their hospitality and kindness towards thousands of refugees who have fled their homes to escaped government persecutions in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and other neighboring countries and now living in Somaliland.

However, what has been happening to refugees in Somaliland over the past two and three weeks is contrary to the expectations of the HRLHA and those of international communities.  

According to information obtained by HRLHA through its correspondents in Hargeisa, Somaliland, the refugees in the country, most of whom are from Ethiopia have been subjected to different kinds of harassments and intimidations in a very unsafe situation. According those reports, the refugees have been (and are being) indiscriminately evicted from their rented temporary shelters; and, as a result, more than 700 refugees have been forced to live on the streets. They are temporarily gathered at a place know as Social welfare Centre near the UNHCR office in Hargeisa. At this place, only those who could afford to buy are using tents; while those who couldn’t are living in open air.  Confiscations of properties, documents in particular, take place along with the kidnapping happens at their temporary shelter on street.

 The refugees uniformly claim that their tenants told them that the evictions were on the order of the government of the Somaliland. Making their situations worse, those refugees have been denied any kind of accommodation and help from the local UNHCR office. The refugees add that they were told by the local UNHCR office that they will not get any help or support from the office unless and until they go back to their shelters (rented place), which is where they have been evicted from, and have been told they were not welcome back. The refugees also say that the local UNHCR office is aware of this situation. However, it has been difficult for the HRLHA to confirm this complaint with the local UNHCR office.

A very young child has died as a result of this unfriendly situation in which the refugees are; and, according to those refugees, more lives might have been lost especially due to lack of basic needs such food and water, had it not been for the some kinds of humanitarian gestures from local people.

The other frustrating situation is that there have been two very recent cases of kidnappings and disappearances by who were described as armed agents of the Ethiopian Government. HRLHA has confirmed that, in the first case of kidnapping which took place during the first week of this month (November 3 – 4, 2011), four refugees (all of whom were Oromo nationals from Ethiopia), have been kidnapped and taken away to currently unknown destination; but believed to be taken back to Ethiopia. They were Shek Abdurrahman Qabatoo, Mr. Riyaad Kamal, Mr. Ali Dabbal, and another refugee who was with Shek Abdurrahman at the moment. In the second case of kidnapping and disappearance, which happened on the 10th of November, 2011, two other refugees, namely, Mr. Abdushukuur Mahammad (RF/06/055), and Mr. Hassan-nuur Mahammad Suleeyman (REC /361/08) have become victims of this illegal action; while a refugee named Mohammed Bushura Gurrachaa escaped the kidnapping by running away from site. The hunting and attempts of kidnapping the refugees has continued even while this urgent action is being compiled. Originally, the refugees were targeted at their rented places of stay; and now (after evictions) at the Social welfare Centre near the UNHCR office in Hargeisa.  

According to eye witnesses, the armed team/group that is engaged in hunting and kidnapping the refugees drives around in a truck, approaches specific individuals it has targeted, or picks randomly, forces them onto the track, and drive away without any interference from the local government, or any other party. The fact that the vehicles were supplied by the local government makes the whole operation look like a joint work of the governments of Ethiopian and the Somaliland. It is important, here, to remind each other that such incidents and experiences of refugees are happening repeatedly; and that, in most cases, (as hinted at above through the UNHCR reference numbers provided) the victims of such illegal actions are refugees who are already under the UNHCR mandate.

Mr. President, even if those refugees are not protected by the UN mandate, what is happening to them is blatantly in breach of the 1951 International Refugee Convention.  In this (1951) document, it is stated that:

“No Contracting State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers where his/her life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” 

The overall situations taken into consideration, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) is highly concerned about the safety and wellbeing of hundreds of those refugees who are now in a socially, economically, and politically unfriendly environment in Somaliland.

So, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) requests the government of the Somaliland to make efforts to honour its both local and international obligations, and ensure the safety of people within its jurisdiction. We specifically request that the Somaliland Government prevent such illegal actions as kidnapping from happening to innocent and defenseless people, and refrain from sending refugees back to a country that they fled because their lives were at risk.

  Also, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) calls upon regional and international humanitarian and diplomatic communities to join us in making and sending these requests to the government of Somaliland.

The HRLHA is a non-political organization which attempts to challenge abuses of human rights of the people of various nations and nationalities in the Horn of Africa. It works on defending fundamental human rights including freedoms of thought, expression, movement and association. It also works on raising the awareness of individuals about their own basic human rights and that of others. It encourages the observances as well as due processes of law. It promotes the growth and development of free and vigorous civil societies


Please send appeals to the Somaliland Government officials as swiftly as possible, in English, Somali, or your own language:

v Urging the Somaliland Government  reverse its decision of expelling refugee from Somaliland

v Your Concerns at the apprehension and fear of Torture if they return to their home country

v Urging the authorities of Somaliland to ensure that these refugees are protected depending on the 1951 refugee convention.

·        His Excellency  Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud      

President of the Republic of Somaliland

TEL/FAX:     252-225-3871  


·        UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

United Nations Office at Geneva 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: + 41 22 917 9022

(particularly for urgent matters) E-mail: tb-petitions@ohchr.org This e-mail address is

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·        International Committee of the Red Cross

19 Avenue de la paix CH 1202 Geneva

Tel: +41 22 734 60 01

Fax: +41 22 733 20 57

·        African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR)

48 Kairaba Avenue, P.O.Box 673, Banjul, The Gambia.

Tel: (220) 4392 962 , 4372070, 4377721 – 23 Fax: (220) 4390 764

·        U.S. Department of State

Tom Fcansky – Foreign Affairs Officer

Email;-TOfcansky@aol.com>Washington, D.C. 20037

Tel: +1-202-261-8009

Fax: +1-202-261-8197

·        Amnesty International – London

Tom Gibson

Telephone: +44-20-74135500

Fax number: +44-20-79561157

Email;- TGibson@amnesty.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots.

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·        Human Rights Watch – New York,

Leslie Lefkow

Map of oromia

Map of oromia